Monday, November 28, 2011

Better, yet....Try this...

Ok.  I think this'll work.  It'll take you to my stuff on a non-profit media causes webpage called ""

Give it a second and it'll pop up a grey streaming audio bar near the top.  This lets you listen to the talk while it's streaming it.  It can take awhile to load. 

If you want to download the file (it's 44 MB, 1.5 hours listening), a little ways down on the page you can click on "download original file" which sends you to its source page.  At the bottom of that page, you'll see a line like right below here.  That's the whole file.   Right click on the 47.3 MB, and choose "Save Target As..." and choose some place to save this for future use or for putting on a mp3 player etc.  Don't click the link on this blog post will download and play the whole thing (not streaming) and you'll tie up your computer for a half hour or so.

20111122194925.m4a 43.7 MB

Finally! I hope...

<embed src=" Lossless Audio/Tolkien_Potter_etc./20111122194925.m4a" pluginspage="" width="480" height="15" autoplay="false" controller="true" enablejavascript="true"></embed>

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Slow As Molasses

I really am trying to get the talk on modern fantasy literature (Tolkien, Lewis, Harry Potter, etc.) up and available. I'm trying to do this on the cheap and on the easy. Apparently these are opposite and inversely related principles in the world of digital media. So far, I've had to join a blog, get an RSS feed, sign up for an Internet archiving site to store my MBs of data, and contemplate getting a website (no). And the digital archiver I'm using is free....but is therefore not necessarily the quickest, most reliable system. But, like I said, this isn't my life goal, so if I can avoid putting a dime into it, then it's worthwhile.

That being said, if you know anything about podcasts, media on blogs, or any other great advice (or are close with someone who is), send them my way...and soon!

—Hopeful in Hastings

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A great (and, almost certainly, stupid) leap!

1) I blame Jeff Schinstock and Logan Burda for this. Jeff made me present; Logan used the words podcast & blog. It would seem like wisdom, except for the warning in my heart.

2) Scott Rieker predicted this years ago by referring to me once by the title "Mr. Have Opinion, Will Travel".

3) For years I've applauded Mark Shea, and considered his blog to have the most perfect, most accurate title: "So No Thought Of Mine, No Matter How Stupid, Should Ever Go Unpublished Again". Now, I'm living out that self-deprecating sentiment, without nearly a clear enough sense of my own depreciation.

4) Don't expect much out of this. It's really only cuz it's necessary to publish a podcast, of which all I have planned right now is 1 installment.